
Welcome to Red House Records, home to some of the finest acoustic performers in the world. Whether you are interested in singer/songwriters, blues, traditional folk, or instrumental music, Red House artists are players, singers and songwriters that make a difference in people’s lives – important musicians with a living dream and vision from which we all can learn.

Our philosophy as a label is to provide a home and environment in which creative artists can make albums in total freedom – without interference from mogul types just looking for the next hit single. In support of these same artists, we are also working to build their audience, one community at a time all over the globe. Simply put, we make records we love, knowing that there are people out there who will feel the same way when they hear our music or see the artists in concert.

So whether you’re an old friend or just meeting us for the first time, keep in touch. Join our e-mail news list, check out our web site and samplers and e-mail us with your questions and comments. We love hearing from you and are always glad to pass your comments on to the artists.

Download our catalog that features all of our available releases and order via mail or over the phone!  Click here to download (PDF).